How much is a $200 Sephora gift card in Naira?
How much is Sephora gift card in Naira? Using Cardvest exchange rate calculator, a $200 Sephora physical gift card is worth N74,000 and the E-code is worth N56,000. You can use Cardvest exchange rate calculator to check for the price of other gift cards.
How much is a $100 Netflix gift card in Naira?
Using Cardvest exchange rate calculator, a $100 Netflix gift card is worth N23,000. You can use Cardvest exchange rate calculator to check for the price of other gift cards.
How much is a $50 iTunes gift card in Naira?
Using Cardvest exchange rate calculator, a $50 iTunes physical gift card is worth N17,000 and the E-code is worth N13,500. You can use Cardvest exchange rate calculator to check for the price of other gift cards.
How much is a €100 Steam gift card in Naira?
Using Cardvest exchange rate calculator, a €100 Steam physical gift card is worth N40,000 and the E-code is worth N34,000. You can use Cardvest exchange rate calculator to check for the price of other gift cards.
How much is a $500 Nordstrom gift card in Naira?
Using Cardvest exchange rate calculator, a $500 Nordstrom gift card is worth N190,000. You can use Cardvest exchange rate calculator to check for the price of other gift cards.
How much is a $100 American Express gift card (AMEX) in Naira?
Using Cardvest exchange rate calculator, a $100 American Express gift card is worth N37,000. You can use Cardvest exchange rate calculator to check for the price of other gift cards.
How much is a $75 Amazon gift card in Naira?
Using Cardvest exchange rate calculator, a $75 Amazon gift card is worth N17,500. You can use Cardvest exchange rate calculator to check for the price of other gift cards.